
Upcoming shows:

25-04-05: Istapp Releaseparty, Hellbarn/Hasslö SWE (With Istapp, Mist of Misery)

Past shows:

24-08-24: Malmö Massacre Festival, Malmö SWE (With Paradise Lost, Skitsystem, Marduk, Napalm Death)

24-08-10: Bomber Bar, Motala SWE (With Toxaemia, Immolator)

24-03-02: Stockholm Extreme Sounds Festival (With Impaled Nazarene, Vomitory)

23-11-03: Klubb Fredagsmangel, Stockholm SWE

23-08-08: The Abyss, Gothenburg SWE (With Black Curse, Spirit Possesion)

23-07-01: Metal Theatre Festival, Kalmar SWE (With Vanhelgd, Grá, Wormwood,Hild)

23-05-27: The Abyss, Gothenburg SWE (Releaseparty for Come, Sweet Death)